e-mail : Info@BikeJeffco.org

County and Municipal Bike/Ped Plans

County and Municipal Bike and Pedestrian Plans

Jefferson County has a strong bicycling culture and identity. County residents are fortunate to have the support of county and municipal agencies that strive for transportation diversity to reduce congestion and pollution and encourage safe bicycling and walking as active alternatives to driving. The efforts of the County and Municipalities are documented in the various plans referenced below. Each of these plans were developed with extensive input from community members, as well as transportation experts.


In May 2022 Jefferson County’s Transportation & Engineering (T&E) group completed a comprehensive Bicycle Plan. T&E and their consultants Toole Design, CONSOR Engineering (formerly Apex Design), and CDR Associates are commended for the document which can be viewed at:

The plan includes these key aspirations:

  1. Complete missing links within the County’s bicycle network.
  2. Create context-sensitive bicycle infrastructure for both the mountainous and plains geographies of the County.
  3. Seamlessly connect to the bicycle networks of jurisdictions adjacent to unincorporated Jefferson County.
  4. Improve bicycling access to high demand destinations, such as schools, employment centers, mountain corridors, and open spaces around the County.
  5. Offer solutions that match anticipated funding levels.
  6. Establish design and facility selection guidance for bike ways.

Bike Jeffco participated in the External Advisory Team for the plan and reviewed and commented on the plan, particularly the prioritization of needed improvements to the bicycle network.

The scope of the Jeffco Plan is limited to unincorporated Jefferson County; however, the major municipalities withing Jeffco have their own plans as discussed below.


The City of Lakewood has a Bicycle System Master Plan published in 2018:

Bike Jeffco’s partner the Lakewood Bicycle Advisory Team (LBAT) provided substantial public input into this plan and continues to work with Lakewood to plan and implement needed improvements to bicycling in Lakewood.


The City of Golden last published a Bicycle Master Plan in 2013:

In 2020, Golden adopted a Transportation Master Plan that laid out strategies for Bike/Ped improvements.

The TMP recognized the need for additional planning to achieve these values for walking and biking in Golden. The first round of multi modal visioning outreach occurred from mid-July through the end of September 2022. Clink this link for current status:

Wheat Ridge

The City of Wheat Ridge updated its Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan in 2017


The City of Arvada published a Bicycle Master Plan in 2017. Status of the implementation of bicycle and pedestrian improvements can be found in the plan.


The City of Westminster published a Transportation and Mobility Plan in 2021:

The above document superseded an extensive 2030 Bicycle Master Plan


The City of Edgewater published a Traffic Calming Mobility Plan in 2021.


The 2015 Evergreen Trails Master Plan details a network of trails and on-street bike and pedestrian facilities: